Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Clafoutis

Today on B-fast W-day… the Clafoutis!! What is a clafoutis, you may be asking? Well, technically it is a French tart complete with fruits in a sweeter batter. However, to please the CAMP department standards of health as well as your own body, this is a more nutritious version of the dessert-like dish.

You can make it the night before and refrigerate it, eat it fresh out of the oven, or cut it up into serving-size portions and freeze for a later date. Any way you do it…. just do it! It’s a flexible recipe that allows for creativity.

Serving size: 8

Prep Time: 10 min

Bake Time: 45-55 min

2 1/2 c. cooking or old-fashioned oats

1/2 c. sugar

2/3 c. dried fruit (any kind: raisins, dried cranberries, etc.)

1/3 c. nuts (optional, any kind: almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts)

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp. salt

2 eggs

1 apple (thinly sliced for a topping)

3 1/3 c. milk (non-dairy for vegan goers)

1 tbsp. vanilla

Combine oats, sugar, fruit, nuts, cinnamon, and salt in large bowl. Add eggs, milk, and vanilla, mixing well between each. Pour into oiled 8×8-ish sized baking dish, and arrange sliced apples on top. Pop into the oven for 45-55 min or until center is firm to the touch… and voila! Your very own Clafoutis.

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