Caught Doing Something Good: Ida Kava of Savoonga

Savoonga's Ida Kava.

In this episode of Caught Doing Something Good we hear from Ida Kava, a seventeen-year-old living in Savoonga.

This standout student was nominated by one of her teachers for a Spirit of Youth Award. Ida’s achievements go well beyond the classroom. A youth leader in her community, Ida strives on a daily basis to bridge the gap between Savoonga’s youth and elders.

Ida is currently learning her native language of Siberian Yupik and, as a youth leader, works to prevent bullying from occurring in her school. She recognizes the importance of students having other youth to look up to, as opposed to just adults; for this reason, she makes herself available to the other students if they ever need someone to talk to.

This episode also features science teacher Kristina Sieff.

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