A Visit from Home

Sorry for the late blog! It’s been such a whirl-wind this past week that I thought today was Monday. But Tuesday it is, and time to reflect on what has been an amazing few days at KNOM.

My twin sister is visiting from New York City! It has been very exciting to have my sister in Nome. She is here for a few more days, but already, her visit has exceeded my wildest expectations. She has been able to do and see so much more than I ever hoped for, thanks to the wonderful generosity of KNOM.

My twin sister and I flew on a small plane to Unalakleet. Photo by Monica Watchman.
My twin sister and I on the plane to Unalakleet. Photo by Monica Watchman.

We made a last-minute village trip to Unalakleet, a community of 600 on the Bering Sea Coast. I went to cover the Native Youth Olympics, and she got to tag along for free, thanks to our station’s underwriting from the local airline company. She got to see me interviewing athletes, recording sounds in the gym, and experience the strong sense of community. She got to fly in a small airplane over the Alaska wilderness, see where the tree line starts and the ice breaks up.

The Bering Sea from the plane! Photo by Sarah DeLappe.

But the best part has been just hanging out with my sister and the KNOM Volunteers at the KNOM house. I am so happy my twin sister can meet people who have become so important to me and KNOM Volunteers can meet my twin. At first, it was strange, to combine such different worlds and parts of my life. But after it has been heart-warming to see people I care about meet, play board games together and have a good time.

Couch-time! Photo by Margaret DeMaioribus.


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