Sister Alice talks ornithology

Sister Alice

Did you know? Nome, Alaska is nestled in one of the world’s best regions for bird-watching (or ornithology). It’s perhaps no surprise that a handful of Nome residents have become bird experts, and at KNOM, we’re thrilled to feature one of them, Sister Alice Sullivan, on our airwaves.

Sister Alice is an energetic member of the Nome community. She’s part of Nome’s Little Sisters of Jesus and active at St. Joseph Catholic Church (whose pastor, Father Ross Tozzi, is president of KNOM’s board of directors).

For many years, KNOM listeners have heard educational spots (or PSAs) voiced by Sr. Alice, sharing her expertise on the many unique bird species that call Western Alaska home in the summertime. In recent months, however, we’ve been thrilled to also welcome Sr. Alice live on the air, with a new segment for KNOM’s Morning Show, the Birding Report.

With Lucus Keppel and Dayneé Rosales, Sr. Alice talks about the birds that are migrating through Nome that week, shares recent bird sightings, and answers calls from listeners.

Sharing this type of local knowledge – and celebrating what makes rural Alaska unique – is a cornerstone of our mission. Thank you for making this possible! We know our listeners greatly appreciate it.


This article is part of the August 2013 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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