Baker’s Dozen: Live Finishes of the Top 13

audio by the KNOM Staff; photos by David Dodman

Ramey Smyth's dog
One of the dogs from 2nd-place finisher Ramey Smyth's team.

In the past two days, Nome has been buzzing with Iditarod; as of dinnertime Wednesday night, the top 19 mushers are in (with the 20th, Rick Swenson, in sight on Nome’s outskirts), and there are dozens more still to come.

These two days have been filled with incredible moments: from John Baker’s historic, record-breaking championship to a photo finish between Ken Anderson and Jessie Royer, who vied for 9th place early Wednesday morning and passed under the Burled Arch only one second apart.

The finishes of these 36 hours have, also, shown us the best of both Iditarod’s heritage and its future, with seasoned veterans (like John Baker, Ramey Smyth, and Hans Gatt) sharing the top standings with accomplished young mushers like Dallas Seavey, Bethel’s Pete Kaiser, and Akiak’s Michael Williams, Jr.

We’ve assembled our recordings of the top thirteen finishes, below, in chronological order. Relive the first finishes of Iditarod 39!


1st place: John Baker, Kotzebue, Alaska; interview by Laureli Kinneen


2nd place: Ramey Smyth, Willow, Alaska; interview by Laureli Kinneen


3rd place: Hans Gatt, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada; interview by Matthew Smith

One of Hans Gatt's dogs
One of Hans Gatt's dogs, in the finish-line "chute" on Tuesday.


4th place: Dallas Seavey, Willow Alaska; interview by Ben Matheson


5th place: Hugh Neff, Tok, Alaska; interview by Linda Maack

(Our live broadcast of Hugh Neff’s finish experienced some technical difficulties; you’ll hear a few momentary interruptions in the audio.)


6th place: Sebastian Schnuelle, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada; interview by Linda Maack


7th place: Ray Redington, Jr., Wasilla, Alaska; interview by Linda Maack

(Before the finish of Ray Redington, Jr., you’ll hear Ray’s young daughter, Ellen, being interviewed!)


8th place: Peter Kaiser, Bethel, Alaska; interview by Leah Radde


9th and 10th place (finished at virtually the same time!): Ken Anderson and Jessie Royer, both of Fairbanks, Alaska; interviews by Leah Radde


11th and 12th place (within two minutes of each other): Aliy Zirkle of Two Rivers, Alaska and DeeDee Jonrowe of Willow, Alaska; interviews by Leah Radde

(Our audio begins just at the moment of Aliy Zirkle’s arrival into Nome, with DeeDee Jonrowe immediately behind her.)


13th place: Michael Williams, Jr. of Akiak, Alaska; interview by Laureli Kinneen


More finishes coming soon!

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