Onward with our new studios!

LumberWe can’t imagine a more wonderful Christmas gift than the outpouring of generosity we’ve received for our major studio renovation and expansion project: the Tom and Florence Busch Digital Studios. By year’s end, with your help, we hope to have enough funds to sustain us through the first phase of the studios’ construction (slated through May 2013).

A few weeks ago, our first shipment of building materials arrived: our cargo of lumber (portions of which are pictured at left) cost $69,606.88 and will be used to construct the bare frame of our annex. Even without any equipment or furnishings, this first construction phase will cost $301.69 per square foot.

By the time you read this, the skeleton frame of our annex should be rising above the lot next to our studios (pictured at bottom during a recent sunset). Also at bottom is an architect’s rendering of the finished structure. For more on the project – and to help make it a reality – visit this page.

Sunset over KNOM's construction site

Architect's rendering

This article is part of the Christmas 2012 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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