Nome Elementary School’s 2nd grade class visited the KNOM station to learn about the world of broadcasting and understand the importance of radio in rural Alaska. Their introduction to broadcasting was done in their classroom where they recorded spots and time announcements for KNOM. During their time at the station, they took a tour of the studio and equipment, engaged in recording positive quotes, and saw firsthand the operations in action. One key lesson they took away from the experience was the importance of staying silent when someone is on the radio.
KNOM extends thanks to Mrs. Julie Cross and Nome Elementary School for graciously allowing the children to visit the station.They were able to enjoy a pizza lunch during the school visit, along with Subway at the station.

Image at the top: Nome Elementary School’s 2nd grade class poses for a photo at KNOM. Photo by Teresa Trigg, KNOM.
Image at the bottom: KNOM’s Program Specialist, Teresa Trigg, records positive quotes with the kids. Photo by Tate Coler, KNOM.