KNOM Staff Endure a Chilling Situation

Our little station recently took a one-two punch from the harsh Nome weather. In the dead of winter, the heating system at the station burned out and left the staff freezing and huddled around space heaters. As if that were not enough, a recent winter storm blasted the door open at our AM tower site and left the control shed full of blown-in snow, and equipment exposed to the elements. Fortunately, the tower remains operational, but examination revealed rot in the door frame, so another storm could easily damage the site again. (This door was previously damaged by Typhoon Merbok).

KNOM is fundraising to replace the heating system and the door at the AM tower site! ($35,000 and $5,000 respectively)

Will you prayerfully consider helping KNOM keep warm and dry? To support this effort, please send your donation marked to either the heating system or door fund. Another option is to visit and click “Give Now.” Thank you in advance for keeping KNOM Radio Mission in working order!

Image at top: Trudging through the snow to get to the AM signal site. Photo courtesy of Miranda B. Musich, KNOM.