The annual Fireman’s Carnival took place at the beginning of December to benefit the Nome Volunteer Fire Department. Hundreds of Nome residents gathered at the local recreation center to partake in the festivities.
The raffle prizes included a brand new 2024 SkiDoo Snowmobile, two round-trip Alaska Airline tickets, $1000 shopping spree, 100 gallons of heating oil, 100 gallons of unleaded gasoline, a 65” flat screen TV, a $500 Alaska Industrial Hardware shopping spree, two round-trip tickets on Bering Air, a 14” Stihl battery chainsaw and a DeWalt 5-piece combo pack.
Image at Top: Crowds gather at the Fireman’s Carnival for the bingo games. Photos courtesy of John Handeland, used with permission.
Image at Bottom: Children gather to play a game of fish pond at the Fireman’s Carnival. Photos courtesy of John Handeland, used with permission.