FY23 by the numbers

At the very tail end of the fiscal year, we became nearly fully staffed. Most of the staff are long-term Nome residents who grew up with KNOM and are passionate about their homegrown radio station. The downside is that more staff means a need for more funding, so we are looking at new sources of revenue and income to supplement the donations we receive. Donations have gone down this fiscal year, but the generosity of donors who provide for us with their wills meant that we actually came out slightly ahead from the previous year by 2.6%.

If you donated to KNOM in 2023, year-end tax receipts will be mailed to you in mid-January. If you do not receive one, don’t need one, or prefer an electronic version, please call (907) 868-1200. Thank you for your unwavering support for KNOM and our mission.

Income, FY22 and FY23

IncomeFY22% of totalFY23% of total
Wills & Bequests$120,9008%$395,21526%
Other Sources$54,5374%$70,2155%

Expenses, FY22 and FY23

ExpensesFY22% of totalFY23% of total
Mission Operations$531,70937%$522,47537%
Core Support (admin & development)$220,37715%$185,88813%
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