780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Dear Friend…(End-of-Year 2023)

This holiday season, many of us had family members and loved ones visit from out of town. We have all quivered with anticipation as we waited in the airport terminal, and we have all relished that explosion of joy when we finally see and hug them.

Especially in Western Alaska, flying home is an exercise in faith and flexibility. Travelers, luggage, and vital groceries move at the mercy of the elements, which simply means that when a flight finally arrives after a week-long storm, that joy is all the greater.

As we wait for the new year to arrive, we are comforted to know that God will hold us close as his dear, loved children no matter what. Just as the Holy One awaits our arrival in 2024, KNOM welcomes all in our listening and reading audience into our hearts with joy, warmth, and kindness.

We are deeply grateful to you. You make an invaluable impact in Western Alaska with your friendship and generosity. If you have any prayer intentions or simply want to connect with us, we would love to hear from you. You are vital to KNOM’s mission!

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Christmas 2023

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(907) 443-5221 


(907) 868-1200 

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that KNOM Radio Mission is located on the customary lands of Indigenous peoples. 

Based in the Bering Strait region, KNOM broadcasts throughout the homelands of the Iñupiaq, Siberian Yup’ik, Cup’ik and Yup’ik peoples.