Iron Dog leaders approaching final checkpoint, Aklestad & Olstad holding 1st position

Tyler Aklestad and Nick Olstad are almost to Puntilla Lake and closing in on the final checkpoint of Skwentna in the 2023 Iron Dog snowmachine race. Team 7 has extended their lead to about 45 minutes.

In second position are Casey Boylan and Bryan Leslie of team 14. They checked out of Rohn around 4 p.m. Friday afternoon, Feb. 24.

Based on the official leaderboard standings, third position is held by Cody Barber and Brett Lapham.

Nome’s own Jarvis and Jordan Miller maintain the fourth position on the leaderboard. If they hold 4th to the finish line that will be their highest place finish in their Iron Dog race careers.

All teams will be held in Skwentna until 11 a.m., and according to race rules, the top racers will be released tomorrow morning based on their split times.

The winners of this year’s race are expected to reach Big Lake Saturday, Feb. 25, at noon, according to Iron Dog.

Whoever that team is will receive $200,000, the biggest purse in Iron Dog history.

Image at top: The Pro Class Iron Dog race will finish in Big Lake. Photo courtesy of Iron Dog.

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