Introducing KNOM’s new interim general manager

KNOM’s Board of Directors has announced that Davis Hovey is KNOM’s new interim general manager, after former GM Tony Calumet stepped down in early November to spend more time with family.

“I wish Tony and his family the best, and we are grateful for his dedication to the mission,” Davis said.

Davis first arrived at KNOM as a volunteer fellow in 2016. Since, he has worn several hats as news director and operations manager, as well as a number of community volunteer roles. He looks forward to continuing to empower Western Alaskans to take the microphone.

He is joined by Darleen Fernandez, the mission’s new business manager. KJ McElwee, KNOM development director, has also joined the Nome staff full-time. Thank you very much for prayers as KNOM builds and searches for the right leadership.

Image at top: Interim General Manager Davis Hovey outside KNOM’s Anchorage office. Photo by Mary Ryan