Our Pledge to Benefactors

In its fiftieth year, the mission is re-stating its commitment to you – our steadfast supporters and friends.

KNOM’s philosophy of stewardship sets it apart from many other charities. If you donate, this is KNOM’s commitment to you:

  • Your personal information has never, and will never, be traded, sold, or otherwise shared with anyone.
  • Your contributions are essential to the mission’s success. And you are more important to KNOM than the size of any gift.
  • You are remembered in prayer.
  • KNOM will tell you the truth about our finances, operations, and other aspects of the organization.
  • If you call during business hours, a real person will answer. But rest assured, we will never call you to ask for donations.
  • There are no fundraising gimmicks, premiums, or junk mail. No manufactured crises. We trust God to meet our needs as we make them known. Please do not feel pressure to give more than you are able.
  • KNOM stewards your gift by communicating as much or as little as you would like. We thank you in the manner you prefer, whether electronically, with a hand-signed paper note, or annually.
  • Despite difficult experiences, we focus on the good. Western Alaska is strong, beautiful, faithful, and resilient and deserves to be represented that way.

The pledge can be read in its entirety here.

Thank you, again, for the faithful support. KNOM is funded nearly entirely by individual benefactors and receives no diocesan funding. Together, we radiate the mission’s special blend of faith, inspiration, news, and information in Western Alaska. You honor KNOM and we are grateful for your trust.

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