City to purchase two new vehicles for NPD

The Nome Common Council voted Monday night to purchase two new Ford Expeditions for use by the Nome Police Department. The vehicles should arrive on next year’s first barge.

While normally the city would wait until the end of the budget year to purchase vehicles, according to City Manager Glenn Steckman, this year, there are extenuating circumstances.

“We’re doing it five to six months earlier because (we) may not be able to purchase vehicles off the lot because of the continued ship shortage,” Steckman said.

He also noted that the city intends to cycle vehicles every seven to eight years.

In other business, the council voted for a resolution that puts the city one step closer to replacing the heating and ventilation systems in the Nome Recreation Center, City Hall, Public Works Shop and Mini Convention Center.

“So what this will have ready is that we could have shovel-ready projects as more ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds become available for safety type of improvements, like our buildings,” Steckman explained.

In light of last month’s news that driving ATVs will be legal on state roads starting Jan. 1, the council discussed potential measures to increase road safety on Front Street, such as enforcing licensing requirements or setting up safety workshops.

The Nome Common Council will meet next on Nov. 22.

Image at top: Nome Police car parked outside of the station. Photo by Brisa Alarcon, KNOM.

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