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(907) 443-5221

Bering Strait Region mourns first COVID death

The Liitfik Wellness and Treatment Center will eventually live in a new, two-story building across the street from the Norton Sound Regional Hospital (pictured), according to NSHC President Angie Gorn. Photo: Laura Kraegel, KNOM.

The Norton Sound and Bering Strait region is currently experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases. NSHC identified 15 new cases in the region Oct. 13, bringing the total number of active cases in the region to 117.

Scot Henderson takes council seat

Two masked men facing each other. Both are holding a piece of paper in one hand and then have the other hand raised. They are inside of a building.

The Nome Common Council met on Oct. 11 to swear in new council member Scot Henderson. Henderson replaces former council member Jennifer Reader, who chose not to run for reelection this year.

Alaska Redistricting Board visits Nome

The Alaska Redistricting Board is on a grand tour of the state, inviting comments from the public to help them create the best possible electoral map for Alaska. On Oct. 11, they were at Old St. Joe’s in Nome, with six different proposed electoral maps on display.