Changing Weather Conditions Keep Iditarod Mushers Cautious on Return Strategy

Brent Sass continues his lead in the Iditarod 2021 race. Willow-based musher Lev Shvarts speaks with KNOM’s Colin O’Connor about current trail conditions and looking ahead to the return trip on this year’s Gold Trail Loop.

“The Burn is pretty rough, not looking forward to going backwards, that’s for sure.

– Lev Shvarts

That is Lev Shvarts referencing the leg of the race known as “The Burn” between Rainy Pass and Nikolai which is notorious for presenting difficult riding conditions.

On-air Nome-Beltz Juniors Sara Bioff and Amari Bright give a local youth perspective on how this year’s changed race route affects their experience.

Hear more about current race standings, including an update from Climatologist Rick Thoman, by listening to this afternoon’s full update below:

Image at top: Lev Shvarts at the 2015 Iditarod Start. Photo: David Dodman, KNOM.

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