Profile: Alaska Senator Candidate Dr. Al Gross

The November 3rd general election is less than three weeks away, and Western Alaskans will have to decide who they want to represent them in the U.S. Senate. One of the candidates on the ballot is Dr. Al Gross, an Independent, who hopes to unseat current Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan.

Gross describes himself as a lifelong Alaskan, a commercial fisherman, and a practicing orthopedic surgeon. Given his medical background, he says improving state and national healthcare is one of his top priorities.

“But I very much look forward to trying to solve some of the healthcare cost problems, which I believe will promote economic development here in the state; because right now a lot of businesses won’t move to Alaska because the overhead of health insurance is prohibitively expensive here in the state, compared to many other parts of the country.”

– Dr. Al Gross

One of the main arguments that Gross’s opponents have made is that he is not a true Independent.

In fact, he is not registered with the Alaska Independence Party, nor any other political party for that matter. However, Gross says that gives him an edge over Senator Sullivan.

“But I won’t be bound by partisan politics, and as you know Dan Sullivan votes with the President almost 100% of the time, and it’s really limiting his ability to think for himself, which is something that I think is really important for a United States Senator.”

– Dr. Al Gross

To hear more from Dr. Al Gross about his stance on climate change, Bypass Mail, and many other rural Alaska issues, click the link above.

Image at top: Alaska Senate candidate Dr. Al Gross. Photo from Gross’s campaign website, shared via Flickr. (2020)

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