Norton Sound Resident Tests Positive for COVID-19 in Unidentified Community

Another village resident in the Norton Sound region has tested positive for COVID-19. Norton Sound Health Corporation wrote that the patient received their test results Monday morning.

NSHC has begun to reach out to close contacts of the individual. The cause of spread will not be known until Public Health Nursing and the State Section of Epidemiology complete an investigation.

While the identity of the resident’s village is not being reported at this time due to privacy concerns, NSHC’s Public Relations Manager Reba Lean did share that the positive test was administered within the region. She could not share whether it was taken at an airport screening location or at the community clinic. The patient is reportedly isolating in their home community.

Local leadership within that community has been notified of the positive case and is working with NSHC to formulate a local response. NSHC says more testing for local residents will be made available at the community’s clinic where the patient lives.

As of this morning, there are 23 positive cases for the region serviced by Norton Sound Health Corporation. That includes residents and non-residents. There are currently three active COVID-19 cases in the Norton Sound region.

Image at Top: Particles from the coronavirus. Photo in the public domain via Creative Commons.

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