KNOM’s Board of Directors Seeks New General Manager

The KNOM Board of Directors is sad to bid farewell, at least in her current managerial capacity, to General Manager Margaret DeMaioribus. Margaret has served the mission admirably as general manager since 2017, but now will be returning to the Philadelphia area to care for her ailing father.

Margaret first came to KNOM as a volunteer fellow, serving from 2012-2013. She then returned in December 2015 as outreach coordinator, and then did double duty as outreach coordinator and interim news director in 2016. When former General Manager Ric Schmidt decided to step down in 2017, Margaret impressed the board with her energy, dedication to the core values of KNOM, and her emphasis on teamwork in the management of the organization. She has continued to display those qualities throughout her tenure as general manager. Margaret is a person of deep faith. Her words and actions remind us that we do not navigate the troubles of this life alone, but always with God watching over and guiding us.

At the time of publication, the search for a new general manager continues.

Thank you and farewell Margaret!

KNOM’s Board of Directors

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