City Council to Hold Work Session on NPS Budget and COVID-19 Response Updates

The Nome City Council will meet for two work sessions tonight with adjustments to accommodate social distancing. The meeting will be broadcast on KNOM and local television.

The first session begins at 7pm with a presentation from Nome Public Schools on a draft of the FY 2021 Operating budget. At 8pm tonight, the Council will hear COVID-19 response updates from the City Manager, Nome Joint Utilities System, and the Nome Port Commission.

The Council does not take action during work sessions and is not required to accept Citizens’ Comments. Interested community members can listen to the meeting broadcast on the FM signal (96.1) from 7-9pm. Regular KNOM programming will continue on the AM signal (780).

Image at top: City of Nome Council Chambers. Photo from Margaret DeMaioribus, KNOM.

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