In Western Alaska, the beginning of race season brings joy, excitement, and anticipation. In small communities throughout rural Alaska, tired mushers, dogs, and snowmachine racers are welcomed and fed before rushing off to their next checkpoints.
The Kusko 300 runs on the Kuskokwim river, from “Bethel to Aniak and back”. As a qualifying race for the most well-known of the Alaska winter races, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, it attracts some of the biggest names in the sport. For dedicated dog mushing fans, the race is often a peek at the teams to watch later in the season. Listeners look fo 3 rward to daily updates and live coverage.
The Iron Dog race is the longest snowmachine race in the world, over mostly remote and rugged terrain. It follows the historic Iditarod Trail from Big Lake to Nome. After a halfway stop in town, the trail takes a loop through the Kotzebue region before finishing in Fairbanks – covering 2,400 miles in the process.

The winter race season culminates in March with the annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race to commemorate a century old mail delivery trail.
Listeners share in the excitement with daily race updates, analysis, and interviews with favorite athletes.
Image at top: Iditarod veteran Mitch Seavey and his dog team arrive at the Unalakleet race checkpoint in 2017.