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(907) 443-5221

Nome School Board Approves Middle School Model, Discusses Superintendent Contract

Jamie Burgess at a 2018 community forum for Superintendent finalists

The Nome School Board has decided to change to a middle school model at Nome-Beltz, approve funding for last month’s disbursements and out of state travel, as well as extend a contract offer to Superintendent Jamie Burgess. Students of the month were Benny Lee of Anvil City Science Academy, and Rachel Burgess and Davey Okpowruk […]

Nome Has Animal Control Again, Only a “Temporary” Solution to Loose Dogs

After seven months without a designated animal control officer, the City of Nome announced this week that they have begun contracting with an ACO again. That could reduce the number of animals at the local pound, however city officials caution this is only a trial period. During Monday’s City Council meeting, City Manager Glenn Steckman […]