Financial Report 2019

KNOM spent 9% less than budgeted in fiscal year (ending June 30) 2019. The reduction is largely due to vacancies of one full time position and three volunteer positions.

If last year’s volunteers were paid regular wages, FY 19 expenses would be $81,588 higher (net, after benefits), and an additional $122,382 higher if the 3 unfilled volunteer jobs were taken. This understaffing skewed the expense percentages to be higher in other categories (like core support).

KNOM was incredibly blessed last year, with several one-time legacy gifts. The board of directors designated this additional income to be placed in long term savings or re-invested into the mission, in an effort to stabilize its financial profile.

KNOM makes every effort to pinch pennies, especially in core mission support. The numbers at right represent the true costs of operating the mission according to IRS expense classifications. KNOM is diligent about efficiency. It costs extra to fundraise from afar, with a high privacy threshold. However, we remain steadfast in our promise to protect donor confidentiality, and do not share, rent, sell or exchange benefactor information. KNOM does not participate in charity co-ops, either, as it often results in mailboxes full of unwanted solicitations. We also make every effort to honor benefactors’ preferred communication method and frequency, as an additional way to save time and resources.

Year-end tax receipts will be mailed to you in mid-January if you gave more than $100 to KNOM. If you do not receive one, don’t need one, or prefer an electronic version, please contact the business office at 907-868-1200 or

Income, FY 2019:

Donations$ 928,948 (47.20%)
Wills & Bequests $ 941,943 (47.80%)
Other $ 97,135 (5.00%)
Total $ 1,968,026

Expenses, FY 2019*

Staff & Volunteers $ 443,626 (36.70%)
Mission Operations $ 413,090 (34.20%)
Core Support (Admin & Fundraising) $ 352,856 (29.10%)
Total $ 1,209,572

Budgeted expenses for FY 19: $1,349,808 (9% under budget)

*Fiscal year 2019: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019

Photo at top: As trees cannot take root in permafrost, creative thinking is required to decorate for Christmas. KNOM volunteers (and locals) often decorate a willow bush, which blooms when placed in water and exposed to indoor warmth.