Partial Nome Wrestling Team Travels to Nikiski, State Meet Approaches

The Nome wrestling team returned from the Top Dog Tournament in Nikiski this weekend, competing against teams from around the state including Kotzebue.

However, only some of the Nanooks traveled for this meet as, once again, the entire team was unable to take part.

“We took eleven wrestlers down to Nikiski. All boys this trip because we had trouble finding a chaperone.”

– Dudley Homelvig

According to Nome Wrestling Coach Dudley Homelvig, travel expenses seem to be a dwindling concern going forward while team fundraising continues to go well.

The Nanooks that did go to Nikiski were led by Elden Cross’s win in the 152-weight class. Cross was the lone winner among what Homelvig describes as a Nome team that was, “a good mix of returning state placers and beginners.”

Coach Homelvig also highlighted freshman Lucas Marvin, who came from behind to win by one point and claim third place in the 145-weight class.

For regional teams, Kotzebue had two winners: Coltrane Chase in the 140-weight class and Ryan Troyer in the 145-weight class. Barrow had one winner: Eve Negovanna in the girls 145-weight class.

Next up for the Nanooks is the ACS tournament in Anchorage this coming Friday and Saturday, where coach Homelvig is hoping for a strong showing.

“We’re taking down some of our best guys and we’re taking all of our girls this week”

– Dudley Homelvig

The ACS tournament is of importance to the Nanooks as it is considered to be a preview of the 1A, 2A, and 3A state meets. While there, the Nanooks will face teams that have a history of sending wrestlers to the state meet, including Kotzebue and Bethel.

Image at top: Wrestlers on the mat during a Nome meet. Photo from Nome Public Schools staff, used with permission (2019).

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