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(907) 443-5221

City of Nome Offers City Manager Contract to Glenn Steckman

Three men sit at a table inside a wood-paneled meeting room

The City of Nome is moving forward and making offers in their search for a new city manager. “I was directed, by motion, to begin negotiations with Mr. Glenn Steckman for the city manager’s position.” – City Clerk Bryant Hammond That action was taken following a special City Council meeting on Monday [9/30] where the […]

Tribal Justice Summit Renews Focus on Tribal Courts in Western Alaska

Tribes in the Bering Strait region are working to re-establish control of public safety in their communities, using tools like tribal courts. This week tribes from around the region met in Nome to talk about what tribal justice could look like for them. KNOM’s Emily Hofstaedter reports on Kawerak’s first Tribal Justice Summit:  Meghan Sigvanna […]

Three Nome Athletes Qualify for State, Along with Kotzebue, Bethel Teams

Nome hosted Barrow, Bethel, and Kotzebue for the Big West Cross-Country Invitational on September 28th. The top varsity girls’ and boys’ teams, as well as the top eight individuals, from this meet qualified for the state meet. Nome cross country coach Jeff Collins says that the goal is for the only Nanook boy qualifier to […]