780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

‘We Want To Live Here’

Photo of smiling family and community member in Solomon.

“We all want the same thing. We want to become a community again. We want to live here; we want our youth to know exactly where we’re from instead of just one word: ‘Solomon.’” That’s Deilah Johnson, a young woman from Solomon, a seasonal, historic community about an hour’s drive east of Nome. She wears […]

History Underwater

Western Alaska has been breaking one climate record after another in recent years. On August 2, Nome set a new record, for most precipitation in a 24-hour period: 2.43 inches of rain, exceeding the previous record set in 1956. The rain caused coastal flooding in places, such as near Solomon at the “Last Train to […]

‘Elder Voices’ Returns

In Alaska Native communities, the oral history and wisdom passed down through elders is highly revered. Over the years, KNOM has collected and produced dozens of long-form interviews for the series Elder Voices, inviting elders in Western Alaska to share their insights and life stories. In recent months, the show has returned to air with […]

Crabbing in 2019? Fish & Game Says “A Year to Forget”

According to a recently released recap from the Department of Fish & Game, crabbing in the Norton Sound this year was underwhelming in many ways. At the beginning of 2019, ADF&G set the region’s lowest guideline harvest level in 20 years, poor ice conditions and early sea ice loss prevented many from crabbing in the […]

From the GM’s desk (October 2019)

At KNOM’s weekly team meetings, we revisit ‘mission moments’ experienced over recent days. As each ‘Static’ is crafted, the mission lived on a historical scale is once again brought to light. These moments remind us how we are all connected and called forth as community to share wisdom and celebrate. May we be reminded of […]

‘Dear Friend of KNOM…’ (October 2019)

Every Western Alaskan has an example of Divine Intervention. The longer the rural life, the more frequent the stories. These are times when there is no other reasonable explanation than God’s grace for an unexpected blessing, survival from peril, or delivery from fear or trials. Rural Alaskans live a simple life, where the only things […]

Voter Turnout Below Norm, Small Number of Candidates Run for 2019 Nome Election

Unofficial results for the Nome Municipal election are in, and Mayor Richard Beneville will be serving Nome for another two-year term. A small group of excited Nome-ites gathered in Old St. Joseph’s Hall last night to listen to City Clerk Bryant Hammond count the results. “In the race for mayor, Richard Beneville garnered 300 votes […]