Interim CEO Named While Sitnasuak Looks For Permanent Candidate

A former Sitnasuak Native Corporation CEO will resume his role as the head of SNC while the corporation continues its search for a permanent replacement for its previous CEO, Bobbi Quintavell.

According to an SNC press release, earlier this month, Richard Strutz returned from retirement to be the interim CEO for the foreseeable future. Board Chair Barb Amarok said in a statement, “We are glad to welcome Richard back to the Sitnasuak management team as we complete our search for the President and CEO positions in the coming months.”

Strutz formerly held the CEO position for Sitnasuak from 2015 to the summer of 2017, prior to Bobbi Quintavell taking over that role. There was no reason given when Quintavell announced her resignation in July of this year, but SNC leadership have said she’ll remain employed with the corporation until her replacement is found.

Strutz says it is an honor for him to be the interim CEO, and he looks forward to working with SNC’s management teams.

Besides looking to permanently fill the CEO position, Sitnasuak is also currently seeking additional members for its land and elders advisory committees.

Image at top: Detail of the Sitnasuak Native Corporation building on Front Street in Nome. Photo: David Dodman, KNOM file.

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