After Academy Graduation, Nguyen Will Re-Join NPD, Now as Officer

Almost 40 law enforcement officers graduated from the Alaska Public Safety Training Academy on Friday. One of the recent graduates is set to re-join the Nome Police Department as an officer.

Dozens of men and women, including Vincent Nguyen, marched into a tribal community house in Sitka, chanting along with their training officer in true military style.

“Nothing in this world is free…”

Nguyen and the rest of the graduates spent the last 16 weeks focusing on physical fitness, specific scenarios for entry-level police officers, and other trainings for their future in Alaska law enforcement.

After each officer’s name was called and they had received their badges, an Alaska Superior Court Judge led the group in their oaths.

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Alaska, and that I will faithfully discharge my duties as a law enforcement officer to the best of my abilities.”

Nguyen will return to Nome later this month to officially join NPD’s ranks as a police officer. According to Chief Bob Estes, the department currently has seven patrolmen on the payroll, who are separate from investigators. The goal is to have ten.

Image at top: NPD officer Vincent Nguyen shaking hands with Police Chief Bob Estes. Photo: Nome Police Department (2019); used with permission.

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