City Council to Continue Public Safety Discussion Tonight

On Monday night, the Nome City Council will once again have the opportunity to vote on an ordinance that would create a public safety commission.

Tonight’s final reading has been delayed twice, after citizens requested more time to consider commentary submitted by the American Civil Liberties Union.

Also on the Council’s regular meeting agenda are two resolutions.

The first is an approval for the City’s tax services conducted by the Appraisal Company of Alaska, LLC.

The second resolution authorizes the City to contract McCool Carlson Green (MCG), an Anchorage-based architecture firm, to design the roof replacement for Nome-Beltz High School. Five firms submitted proposals, with MCG scoring the highest after review by the City Engineer, Nome Public Schools Superintendent, and the Nome Public Schools Maintenance Director.

The City Council will convene before their regular meeting for a 5:30 work session to discuss Fiscal Year 2020 budgets. The regular meeting will begin at 7pm tonight in City Hall and include time for citizens’ comments.

Image at top: The entrance to the Nome City Council chambers. Photo: Emily Hofstaedter, KNOM file.

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