Nome School Board Tables Appointment of New Board Member

The Nome Public School Board tabled its appointment of a new Board member at Tuesday’s meeting. The Board was unable to agree on a candidate to appoint.

The October 9th regular meeting of the School Board followed Monday night’s special session in which 5 candidates were interviewed for the school board position. When it came time to appoint the new member, board member Brandy Arrington nominated Taylen Green. Sandy Martinson seconded the nomination. Both Nancy Mendenhall and Barb Amarok opposed the motion, nominating and seconding Darlene Trigg instead.

The board was divided down the middle regarding the strongest candidate. Arrington made a motion to consider the two candidates as “finalists” for the school board seat. During a work session to take place October 23, the board will plan a date for another special session to re-interview the two candidates, taking into consideration travel plans and other possible obstacles.

The candidates will be asked additional questions that the board will come up with at the meeting.

Brandy Arrington was elected the new president of the Board, former President Barb Amarok was appointed the new vice president, and Martinson was appointed the new treasurer.

Arrington, the Board’s new president, spoke at the end of the meeting about the board’s disagreement being an opportunity for its growth.

“Tonight has been an example of how we’re all very different individuals and we all have different thoughts, but I have a lot of faith in all of us together. We’ve come a long way and will continue to do a great job. In the end, we will always do things for the betterment of our students and our community.”

The meeting also honored students of the month Jenevieve Gomez (Junior High), Lydia Kuzuguk (High School), and Katelyn Johnson (ACSA). Nellie Trigg was honored as support staff of the month.

The next regular meeting of the school board will be Tuesday, November 13.

Image at top: The current four school board members, Superintendent Bill Schildbach, and School Board Secretary Tasha Smith sit at the October 9 regular meeting of the School Board. Photo: Katie Kazmierski, KNOM.

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