Race Season Returns

From January through April, sled dog and snowmachine races lead competitors along trails hundreds or even thousands of miles long, traversing the rural wilds of the state.

Traveling by snowmachine (snowmobile) is among the most common of ways for people in KNOM country to transport from place to place.

KNOM devotes time each year to following their daily (and sometimes even hourly) progress. Right here on knom.org, you’ll find news stories and more on races like the Yukon Quest and the Iron Dog. This month, KNOM volunteers and staff will be rallying to cover the capstone race of the season: the epic Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Your support makes coverage of Alaska’s races possible. Thank you!

Image at top: Longtime musher Mitch Seavey, mere minutes before his championship finish in the 2017 Iditarod. Photo: David Dodman, KNOM.