Off to the Races!

I’m not really a sports person. Between the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics, I’ve spent more time in just this month watching athletes compete than I have in several preceding years, and I’ve been a pretty casual spectator. But I am undeniably excited about Alaskan race season.

Throughout the winter, snowmachine racers, mushers, and lots and lots of dogs race across the state. The events range from the 8-mile sled-dog race put on by the Nome Kennel Club to the 2,000-mile Iron Dog, a snowmachine race from Anchorage to Nome and then to Fairbanks.

Karen cut her race-reporting teeth last year, but Gabe and I got our first chance this week at the Iron Dog halfway finish here in Nome. We watched the first pair of racers come in across the sea ice and asked them a few questions when they hopped off their snowmachines–live on the air! Listen above for some of the broadcast.

Image at top: Gabe and Zoe interview Nome-grown Mike Morgan at the Iron Dog halfway finish.

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