City Council Passes All Business, Including Agreement to Have Nome’s Cemetery Surveyed

Nome’s Municipal cemetery will be surveyed by Logic Geophysics & Analytics, using ground-penetrating radar (GPR).

During last night’s, City Council meeting, the Council authorized City Manager Tom Moran to enter into agreement with the company for the survey of about 5-acres in sections of the cemetery. Moran expressed the staff’s appreciation for this proposal out of all three relevant ones received.

“So we were really impressed with this specific Logic Geophysics proposal. We have $39,000 in the FY’18 budget that could get it done; we are asking to be able to spend an additional $30,000, pushing it into FY’19 to be able to have these people do it instead. The other proposal was adequate but this one was excellent”

All four present councilmen voted in favor of the nearly $68,000 GPR survey agreement. The only other piece of business on the Council’s agenda also passed unanimously. Through a resolution, the Council declared February as School Board recognition month in Nome.

Mayor Richard Beneville remarked on how School Board members essentially volunteer to get the work done.

“It just became apparent about twenty minutes ago that they receive no stipend, and those are long hard meetings, and they really work very very hard and we are blessed to have them”

Before adjourning the regular meeting, Nome Joint Utility System’s Assistant Utility manager, Ken Morton, added some clarity about the leaks springing up around town. Morton started with the water spewing off of Steadman Street.

“That one we throttled back the valve about three weeks ago and the leak went away for about three weeks. As everybody is now aware, it’s back, we will need to do something one way or the other. Spokane and Tobuk, that’s probably one that we’ll have to tackle first”

Morton also mentioned that the divot on Second and Bering St. won’t likely be addressed until this summer. Happening before this summer, Nome’s City Council will convene again on February 26th for their next regular meeting.

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