Roalofs Scratches After Injury; Moore Maintains Lead at Eagle

Rookie Christine Roalofs is the latest musher to scratch from the 2018 Yukon Quest.

Roalofs made it into Circle City around 11 last night. With 800 miles of trail ahead of her, she chose to leave the race just after 9 this morning. She cited a personal injury that she said would make caring for her team a challenge.

Allen Moore is the first musher to reach Eagle checkpoint. He checked in with a full team of dogs at 11:10 this morning. The two-time Quest champion has maintained first position in the international sled dog race since the wee hours of Sunday morning.

The other 19 mushers left in the race are still on the trail between the Circle City and Eagle checkpoints. Paige Drobny was in second position out of Circle City, followed by Matt Hall, Laura Neese, and Ed Hopkins in that order.

Tune into KNOM’s 5 o’clock newscast for the latest developments in the 2018 Yukon Quest.

Image at top: Slaven’s Roadhouse. Photo: National Park Service.