Story49: Trust in God and Hope for Mankind — Vi Waghiyi’s Fight for Environmental Justice

When Vi Waghiyi looks at the world, she sees things a lot of things most people don’t see or would rather ignore.

As the environmental health and justice program director at Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT), she thinks a lot about pollution we can’t see at all — in our air, water, and land — and what it’s doing to our bodies.

But when she looks at the world, she also sees plenty that gives her hope.

Click above to hear Vi’s story. You can learn more about ACAT on their website.

Traditional healers spoke on a panel at the the 2nd Norton Sound Indigenous Women's Gathering, held at NSHC in Nome in December 2017.
Traditional healers spoke on a panel during the 2nd Norton Sound Indigenous Women’s Gathering. Photo: Zoe Grueskin/KNOM.


If you or someone you know has a story to share, contact KNOM at 443-5221 or by email at

Story49: Sharing your story, your voice, your Alaska.

Image at top: Vi Waghiyi at the KNOM studio. Photo: Zoe Grueskin/KNOM. Music in this episode by Mystery Mammal and Podington Bear.

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