“House Hunters,” Nome Edition

You’ve probably heard of the hit HGTV show House Hunters. Maybe you’ve even heard of House Hunters: International or Tiny House Hunters. (And let’s be honest: you, like me, may have spent quite a few Sunday nights in front of your TV unable to escape their lure.) But I bet you’ve never heard of House Hunters: Nome.

Well, now you have. This week on the audioblog, we bring you a loving homage to House Hunters and the dear old KNOM Volunteer House. Join me as I give some “new to town” folks — that’d be Karen and Zoe — a friendly tour of what might just become their Arctic paradise.

Will they go with House No. 1, House No. 1 or maybe the dark horse, House No. 1? Listen in to find out!

Photo at top: Halloween decorations make the Volunteer House even homier than usual this time of year (photo: Gabe Colombo, KNOM, 2017).

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