From the KNOM Volunteers, a Loving Homage to Sports Coverage: “PartyCenter”

In this week’s audioblog, we show that there is no time like the present to start practicing for live Iditarod reporting!

Gabe, Zoe, and myself use our handy-dandy improvisational skills (Lauren Frost, 2016-2017 KNOM alumna and improv comedy queen, would approve!) to relay the events of Zoe’s 25th birthday party in a loving homage to popular sports news programs — and KNOM’s own live Iditarod coverage. Yes, if you aren’t familiar with that opening and ending tune, that jaunty theme precedes our race updates during Iditarod season!

In order to hear the first ever episode of “PartyCenter on KNOM,” led by anchor Karen Trop and on-the-scene reporter Gabe Colombo, click the media player above! Rumors are that the birthday girl herself, Zoe, also joins us for a ‘live’ interview…

Image at top: the 2017-2018 volunteers enjoy a moment together before Zoe’s birthday party.

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