Waking Up with Western Alaska

By the time this audio blog airs, I will have been the new Morning Show deejay for exactly two weeks!

It’s been a pretty easy transition, especially compared to learning how to deejay from scratch a year ago, but not without some hiccups… As you’ll hear in this week’s audioblog, I’ve already had some air-brained moments on air that are very clearly tied to being sleepy. However, I think my transition so far has been really enjoyable. And to launch into food metaphors (because what else does one think of in the morning!), it’s been more like crunchy peanut butter than a fruit smoothie, but no less delicious of an experience.

Take a listen in the media player above to hear more about my first two weeks – and if you are feeling so creatively inspired, help me come up with a Morning Deejay name for my show, or vote on the ones I propose in the audioblog in the comments below!


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