Good in the Country

This weekend, the KNOM volunteers headed out to Nome Elementary School for a “Nome-grown” musical experience set in Nome.

The musical, “Good in the Country,” was written, arranged and directed by Nomeite Sarah C Hanson Hofstetter; it included songs by local musicians, local humor, and a home-town feel. What made this musical even more special to us, personally, was that the main character, though originally born in Nome, was returning to her hometown as a KNOM volunteer.

All four of us would never miss out on a chance to support community theater, and one of us even became involved within the production staff. You’ll have to take a listen above to find out who! The inclusion of our own experience as KNOM volunteers into the community fabric of Nome shown in “Good in the Country” was really special to witness.

A huge thanks and internet applause for everyone involved in making “Good in the Country!” We enjoyed it.

Music lovingly used in this episode:

“Good in the Country” – The Buffleheads
“Summertime in Nome” – Mary J. Hartman

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