It’s Break Up!

Spring break-up has sprung here in Nome! In the month since Iditarod, temperatures have taken the cue that snow is no longer necessary for mushing. Named for the breaking up of sea ice, break-up is upon us, and the volunteers here at the house are rapidly watching the seasons change.

I can’t overstate how excited I am for the sun to come back. It’s like the welcomed return of an old friend: instantly comfortable, with memories of last summer stirring in a part of your brain that was previously hibernating. When I close my eyes, I can taste the blueberries, cloud berries, and salmon that will soon start to appear on our table.

However, even with closed eyes, I can not imagine Lower 48 temperatures. I know what it means to feel warm, but what does 80 degrees feel like?! I honestly can’t remember. Fortunately, it is easy to add layers for warmth. What I can remember is stupidly-humid childhood summers spent back east wondering if a refrigerator shelf could hold the weight of a middle school child.

Needless to say, I think I prefer 30 degrees.

Tune into the KNOM volunteer audio blog at the top of the page to hear a personal tour of Nome’s break-up!

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