Governor Appoints Fairbanks Judge to Fill Vacant Nome Superior Court Judgeship

Last week, Governor Bill Walker announced his appointments for the Nome Superior Court judgeship and three other Superior Courts. Romano DiBenedetto will preside as the judge in the Nome Superior Court.

Judge DiBenedetto has served the community of Fairbanks as a magistrate judge since 2012. Before that, he served in the Fairbanks District Attorney’s office and in an attorney’s office in Chicago. Governor Walker released a statement on Thursday and answered further questions about his decision through his press secretary, Katie Marquette.

When asked why John Earthman, the other candidate recommended by the Alaska Judicial Council for the open position on the Nome Superior Court, was not chosen,  Marquette responded, “Governor Walker respects Mr. Earthman’s work and his service to Alaska… after conducting personal interviews and reviewing all available information, Governor Walker felt Mr. DiBenedetto was the best choice for this judicial appointment.”

The governor’s other appointments were Nathaniel Peters to the Bethel Superior Court, Christina Reigh to the Dillingham Superior Court, and Jennifer Wells to the Kenai Superior Court.

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