Amended Versions of FY ’17 City Budgets Expected To Pass

For the first Nome City Council regular meeting of this month, final versions of City budgets are included in the business before the Council.

During tonight’s meeting, ordinances amending the General Fund budget, the Port of Nome Fund budget, and others are expected to pass. A total of seven budgets for fiscal year 2017 are in the second reading phase and could also be passed by the Council tonight.

Also on the agenda is a resolution awarding the Thornbush site development and Snake River dredging phase 2 project to Q Trucking Garage. Ridge Contracting, Inc., and Chumley’s, Inc., also put in bids for the project, but Q Trucking Garage bid the lowest, over $1,100,000.

Councilman Stan Anderson will be acting Mayor for the 7:00 regular meeting, as Mayor Beneville is out of town. A 6:00pm work session regarding the City’s 2016 financial audit report will precede the meeting in council chambers.

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