Nome Man Indicted on Two Charges Involving Heroin

After being arrested this weekend for misconduct involving a controlled substance, or MICS, Michael W. Hahn, Jr., was arraigned in the Nome courthouse today. Hahn has been indicted on two charges: one count of MICS in the third degree and one count in the fourth.

Represented by public defender James Ferguson, Hahn pled not guilty to distributing heroin and possessing heroin. Hahn had his original hearing on Saturday after he was arrested in Nome.

Due to the Western Alaska Alcohol and Narcotics Team investigating Hahn’s involvement in the sale of heroin in Nome, the thirty-two–year-old was remanded to AMCC on Saturday.

Hahn has a prior felony conviction and was on release for another crime when he allegedly committed misconduct involving a controlled substance. Presiding Judge Paul A. Roetman set Hahn’s bail at $10,000 with a third party custodian.

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