NJUS Board Approves Three Labor Negotiation Resolutions

Three resolutions regarding labor negotiations were passed during Tuesday night’s meeting of the Nome Joint Utility Board (NJUS), but not without prior discussion by the NJUS board members.

Resolutions 17-01, 17-02, and 17-03 concern collective bargaining agreements between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union (IBEW), the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), and the Alaska Public Employees Association (APEA).

NJUS board member Emory Wheeler voiced his concerns regarding wage adjustments for current employees in Resolution 17-01, which are set to increase at 3% for year one (2017) and reduce to a 2% increase for year two and three (2018 and 2019). The current state of the economy was his reason for concern.

In response, Board Member Carl Emmons replied that the wage increases were made to keep Nome competitive with larger cities like Anchorage. According to Emmons, the wage increases were to provide livable wages and incentives to keep viable workers within the Nome community.

After this discussion, the motion was approved, retroactively starting on January 1st, 2017, and set to continue through December 31st, 2019.

In other news, Utility Manager John Handeland stated that, after taking time to find the actual location of the pipe leak on King Place, the issues affecting Nome’s 3rd Avenue over this past weekend were finally resolved. He thanked all involved in working to resolve the issue.

Lastly, Handeland announced that Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC) is providing a $575 energy subsidy again for eligible applicants throughout the region. Sign-ups in the region are beginning shortly, with the Nome area scheduled for February 13th to the 15th. NJUS will assist NSEDC in encouraging those eligible to apply for this year’s benefit.

The Nome Joint Utility Board will meet again for their regular meeting at 7:30pm on February 21st, 2017.

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