Nome Man Arrested for Heroin Distribution Asks for New Attorney

One of two men who was recently arrested in Nome on suspicion of distribution and possession of heroin was in Nome’s courthouse on Monday. During his preliminary hearing, Rayne Aukongak requested that his attorney be fired for misrepresentation.

Aukongak addressed Judge Robert D. Lewis on his own behalf from the front pew, and Judge Lewis responded to his concerns:

Aukongak: “I’ve requested to talk to my lawyer, and we haven’t been getting anywhere.”
Judge Lewis: “Mr. Davies is the counsel that has been appointed to represent you, and you should go through that affidavit very carefully with your lawyer, and again, your lawyer will bring that whole matter back to court in writing for a motion to dismiss if that is appropriate.”
Aukongak: “I’d like to fire my lawyer for misrepresentation.”
Judge Lewis: “All right, well, I’ll calendar that for hearings.”

Presiding Judge Lewis acknowledged Aukongak’s request and scheduled a meeting for 11am Tuesday morning to find him other counsel.

Aukongak has been charged with six misdemeanors, although the specific charges were not stated, and his pre-trial is scheduled for March 9 at 9am. Judge Lewis also reduced Aukongak’s bail to $5,000.

Benjamin Milton, the other man arrested and charged with counts of distribution and possession of heroin at the same time as Aukongak, was not present for his preliminary hearing yesterday. His hearing has been rescheduled for February 21.

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