City Council to Weigh Taxi Licenses, May Award NSEDC Shares Tonight

After the Nome City Council’s last meeting, earlier this month, one piece of business left unfinished was a resolution to finalize the transfer of taxi cab licenses. Tonight’s regular meeting (Jan. 23) will commence after a work session to discuss the market’s need for taxicab licenses.

On the Council’s agenda tonight is an ordinance to approve the 2017 operations and maintenance budget for NJUS. This is the only ordinance in the second reading phase.

All other ordinances up before the Council for first readings involve amending various City budgets, such as the general fund municipal budget, the capital projects fund budget, and the port of Nome fund budget.

Before the meeting adjourns, a resolution could be passed that would divvy up funds from the 2016 NSEDC community benefit share. The Council received 15 proposals by the January 5th deadline from organizations asking for a portion of the $150,000 share.

Tonight’s regular City Council meeting begins at 7pm immediately following the 5:30pm work session.

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