City Council Work Session Will Decide Which Organizations Receive NSEDC Funds

For the first regular meeting of the new year, the Nome City Council will start with a work session tonight, focused on awarding funding from NSEDC’s 2016 Community Benefit Share to various local organizations.

One piece of unfinished business before the Council is a resolution to approve the transfer of three taxi licenses from EZ Cab to Mr. Kab. This resolution was discussed during the last regular meeting but was put on hold after citizens’ comments from multiple local taxi company employees.

The Council will also read through ordinances to approve NJUS’s 2017 operations budget and to authorize the sale of surplus real property owned by the City. Before the meeting concludes, a resolution to update Nome’s hazard mitigation plan could be passed.

Tonight’s City Council meeting begins at 7pm in City Hall after the 5:30 work session is finished.

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