Offshore Gold Mining Barge Runs Aground in Nome’s Harbor

Early Wednesday morning, a barge involved with offshore gold mining ran aground in Nome’s harbor. Port Director Joy Baker says the barge is known as the Eddie, operated and owned by Phoenix Offshore Mining.

According to Baker, a surge of waves made the barge’s spuds break free, leaving the jackup legs of the rig unsupported. The Eddie was lifted up by the waves, then started free floating, which also caused the vessel to lose its excavator. President and CEO of the company, John Keeley, is working with various equipment and a crew to address the situation.

Harbormaster Lucas Stotts says the port staff are in contact with the Coast Guard and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. They are waiting for calmer waters before they attempt to dislodge the vessel. It is unclear at this time how long the process will take.

Note: If anyone comes across any marine wildlife in the harbor or around Nome that is injured or is at possible risk and they are unsure what to do, contact Gay Sheffield with the Marine Advisory Program (907-434-1149) or Brandon Ahmasuk with Kawerak (907-443-4265).

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