Storms, Cancelled Flights Curtail Nome Meeting of Marijuana Board

Bad weather and subsequently cancelled flights led to the Marijuana Control Board not hosting their meeting in Nome today (Thursday). Originally, the Board was scheduled to meet at the Aurora Inn to discuss submitted marijuana license applications from all over the state.

Cynthia Franklin, the Director of the Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office, or AMCO, says that at least 23 applications from areas like the Mat-Su borough, the Kenai Peninsula, and others were on the agenda for this Board meeting, and the Board has reviewed at least 83 sent from places throughout Alaska in previous meetings.

Even though no applications on the agenda were submitted by people in Nome, AMCO is required by law to meet in each judicial district at least once per year.

Since the scheduled Nome visit was part of a two-day meeting, the Board will still meet in Anchorage Friday morning as planned.

Franklin says the agenda will be shuffled around to accommodate for today’s cancellation.

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